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Peter Logan

Peter Logan

Peter Logan was born in Oxfordshire, in 1943. He graduated from Slade  School of Fine Art (1966-68).

Logan has made kinetic sculpture since 1968. Early pieces which  performed aerobatics were powered by electricity and controlled  electronically. Since 1978 he has worked on outdoor sculpture using  wind power, the character and strength of the wind determining movement.

The success and control that the artist has in the way these  sculptures work depends largely on their technical excellence. Logan  has built up a high degree of skill over the years, learnt mostly  from the engineers with whom he has collaborated. The elements of  nature and chance have to be harnessed positively, and any weaknesses  in the design can result in the sculpture being destroyed.

Peter Logan exhibits his work against architecture and in wild  places, locations as diverse as London´s Economist Plaza in St  James’s and the beaches of Neeltje Jans in Holland.

Fandango 1999
Solar Mobile
The solar mobile sculpture derives energy from sunlight to perform a  dance inspired by the Spanish Fandango.

A short pulse from a low energy electric motor instigates the mobile´s movement and a chain reaction of movement is created from  two conflicting centrifugal forces of freely rotating parts.

Red Rondo 2004

Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor  towards,
Neither ascent nor decline.
Except for the point, the still point,There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.
- T.S. Eliot  Four Quartets

Turning Stone, Touch Stone 1994

"Turning Stone, Touch Stone" is a maquette for a sculpture of  movement generated from the wind. The granite stones cast in  aluminium were found on the Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland. It is  the oldest granite of Europe and mostly lies hidden deep below the  earth’s surface but appears in a few places including the Isle of  Harris on the West Coast of Scotland."
- Peter Logan

Kindly loaned by Peter Logan